To the OP,
Unless you are willing to donate to a sperm bank (which means you jerk off into a cup and get paid $50.00), you are financially responsible for that child until it reaches the age of majority. If you think you're just going to fuck some chick, get her pregnant and it's mission accomplished, I've got news for you. It doesn't work that way. Even if she says she wants nothing to do with you afterwards, even if she signs a contract that you are not on the hook - you are still on the hook.
All she has to do is change her mind. You cannot enter into a contract that is outside the confines of the law. If the law says that you are financially responsible for the child until it reaches the age of majority - then she can sign all the BS you put in front of her, it won't matter because it will be tossed out of court in about 2 seconds. A contract contrary to the law is not valid, regardless of whether or not both both parties agree to it- that's how it works.
I somehow doubt this is what you had in mind.
So I would suggest that you just rub one out and let it go down the drain as a previous poster so aptly put it.
Last edited by james t kirk; 05-24-2010 at 06:06 PM..