What do you expect from me, that I should go and beat up a pit bull terrier to prove my point?
After making the claims you have, considering how frankly outlandish they are, that would be a good idea. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. That or realize that your claims might not be as accurate as you'd like to think, and take into consideration the opinions of others (especially trained/experienced professionals) before investing so much effort into the defense of the indefensible.
Best of all, of course, would be for you to -stop- pontificating upon matters in which you have no knowledge or experience. Ask opinions. Ask about experiences. Ask for sources. Hell, ask for directions. But don't come up to me (or anyone else) and tell me (or them) you know my/their job better than I/they do when you've never even attempted (much less succeeded) to carry it out.
That said, I'm done. Lock this thread or do whatever. I've said my piece.