You keep making reference to your 300 lbs as if sheer mass is somehow the determining factor. This is what 75 lbs of functional muscle looks like:
This is what 300 lbs of Strange Famous looks like:
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
The dog is in fact naturally inclined to be subserviant to a stronger member of the pack. If a dog attacked me, and due to my superior weight and strength I was able to throw the dog about and subdue him with heavy blows - the dog would be cowed and become timid.
I can kill a dog in literally a million ways.
And a bag of Doritos, apparently:
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
: I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it and I can lose some weight and get fit... instead I proved to myself that I would be too lazy to train or even practice running; that I am too greedy and lazy and unmotivated to ever bother to lose weight, that I am too weak to even outrun 14 year old kids that were beating me... so I proved to myself I might as well accept I'm never going to change because I dont have the energy, the will, or the self respect to be bothered.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I am twice the size of the dog, and in terms of sheer brute force twice as strong.
I guarantee you, if I was armed with a stout wooden pole, a 55 lbs dog wouldnt get the better of me.
Video of what SF armed with a stout wooden pole may look like: