Sorry, can we just actually go back to the three video's you posted
1 - a dog biting a woman and then running away after being hit twice in the back with a bat
2 - someone talking about a dog attack where we cant see what happens
3 - a pair of dogs taking about a minute to dismantle a bumper. You are quite right that neither you or me would be able to bite the bumper off a police car. That isnt the point. As human beings either you or me could kick the thing and then lever it off in 20 seconds - and thats the point
If you compare humans to dogs on the criteria of what a dog does (like how fast it can run, how hard it can bite) - no surprise a dog is better at being a dog than a human
If you base your comments on reality and common sense - you know a dog, while they can hurt people, while they can kill young or vulnerable humans, a human being is stronger than a dog and would beat a dog in a fight.
Just look at the video with the woman who is bitten. As the dog charges she moves backwards, almost cowers. She should have launched a hefty kick into the dogs face and it would have run straight off. Because of her job maybe she didnt want to hurt the dog, but if it had been a no limits fight she would have done so.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas