As I understand she lost her arm due to injuries caused, the dog didnt bite it off, it had to be amputated I guess.
And again, one off examples dont prove a case. If some people are intimidated by the dogs aggression and dont fight back likely they will be hurt.
I guarantee you, if I was armed with a stout wooden pole, a 55 lbs dog wouldnt get the better of me.
As for the fact a dog can destroy a car, so can I or any human being. I am sure I would do it in a much more measured and efficient way. All the dogs did was bit the front bumper. All the cop had to do was put his foot down and accelerate and the dogs wouldnt be a problem anymore.
I reset my connection and watched the attack video - in fact what happens is:
when the man strikes the dog with a stick it runs off, comes back to have another go when the owner encourages it, is struck again in the back and runs off again... the black woman who is attacked is clearly is impeded from defending herself by the intervention of the owner. If the fat woman had NOT been there to block the man with the bat the dog would have been beaten to death very easily.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas
Last edited by Strange Famous; 05-23-2010 at 06:55 AM..