This isnt about boasting or macho behaviour, just simple common sense.
I didnt recomend the jaw move, I recomended ripping the hind legs apart. If I was on the scene when that lady was attacked I could have done that dog over like that and maybe she wouldnt have had to go to hospital...
Utter, rank, stinking macho bullshit.
Look, Strange, go turn on Animal Planet or whatever the BBC equivalent is. Use YouTube if you must. Look up one of the numerous programmes they show under various iterations of "Animal Cops" or the like. Now think: if the sorts of things you've been saying and suggesting -actually- work, why are the trained Policemen, Animal Control officers, and Shelter workers having to struggle so hard with these creatures? Why does it sometimes take two strong men with a catch-pole to get control of a Pitbull bitch, nevermind a Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Pyrenees, etc? Why don't they just grab her up somehow? After all, they're grown men and she's just a little 60lb bitch, right?
Here's a video of a 55lb Pitbull bitch attacking an experienced Animal Control officer after having mauled a grown man and his young daughter, coming within an inch of killing the father. Bear in mind that the injuries suffered by the Animal Control officer (who had a catchpole in hand when the dog attacked) more than corroborate the ability of this particular 55lb female to have killed the father (a grown man) had she simply bitten his neck in a slightly different place.
Instance of a Pitbull mauling a person nearly to death and causing the loss of an arm after sever injuries to all extremeties. Bear in mind this is the second instance in which a dog has been reported as biting chunks out of people in the course of an attack. Do you seriously think you're going to be able to even attempt the kinds of things you propose while an animal such as this is crushing your hand, puncturing and cutting your pecs, and physically ripping chunks out of you?
Just do yourself a favour and look at what the professionals, people who deal with these critters on a daily basis, do. Take a good long watch, and observe how they control these animals, and how difficult it can be. Then ask yourself why they don't do what you suggest. Granted, they're not trying to kill the animals; but if killing them with all our alleged superiority is so easy, why is -catching- them not similarly simple? After all, we're HUMANS; shouldn't we be able to just take them under our arms like geese, or hold them down and inject a tranquiliser or something? Why all the violence, why all the struggle, whence all the difficulty? They're just dogs, after all. Cowards at heart, naturally subservient, physically weaker and intellectually inferior, right? I mean, these are the -pros-! If -anybody- should be making this look like a piece of cake, it should be these folks, right? Specially trained, lots of experience, frequently large burly men or simply packs of Officers with catchpoles and nets and sometimes firearms drawn. Should be easy, right? That Policeman in Vid #2 was an experienced combat veteran, a powerfully built man, and before doing anything "the decision was made to destroy the animal" which means he shot the dog, probably several times to make sure, in the head and from the far side of the fence. If he had half a brain (which he would have needed to survive combat) he put another round in the head to make sure when he got close enough to pick which eye-socket he wanted. Why all the fuss?
Edited to add:
Here's another fun one: what appears to be a Staffordshire Terrier having a go at the bumper of a Police car. Let's see you (or virtually anyone else here or anywhere; I know I certainly couldn't do it and I cut firewood all year) do this kind of damage, this quickly, with your allegedly ever so much more powerful hands and arms. This should give you some idea of the strength of a dog's neck and jaws. I guess you could say that this is what happens when a dog who chases cars finally catches one sleeping.