All these people carry on like dogs won the evolutionary battle, not humans.
Imagine the biggest, strongest dog you can on a leash... pulling against a normal man he will go nowhere, and be led by the man.
A fully grown man is stronger than a dog, that is undeniable.
A normal man is more intelligent than a dog, that is undeniable. A dog does not have the intelligence to use a weapon, a man does.
In a real life situation - without police with guns to back the dog up - if a police dog was set lose on its own against the average criminal, the dog would be killed.
Like I said, I dont want to fight a pitbull for fun, and I have no doubt a pitbull could hurt me.... but if it came to it, the dog would die, not me. The simple mechanics that I weigh over twice as much, am physically stronger, am capable of greater depths of aggression and more intelligent methods of combat will doom the dog. Just as I would be if I tried to attack a 600 lbs Polar bear in a straight physical fight. I am not arrogant enough to think I can man handle a creature twice as strong as me, yet some people seem to imagine these dogs are arrogant enough to want to attack me and think they would win.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas