I made the pulser pump. "Simplest pump in the world" Even though it is simple, it took 20 years for someone else to make one and put the results on the internet. Whats that about?
A guy has a great video youtube ted talks, about lone nut and first follower. Worth taking a look at the video. dereksivers is the username of the guy who tells the story of the lone nut and first follower (I am not allowed to post links.
So anyway, i got the first follower about this time last year. A guy called Mat in Cornwall, England. First research results from real science went on appropedia in April 2010 and there are going to be field tests in California too!
So my message is that if you see someone doing something crazy (that just might work) do not sit on your backsides, get up and join in. You will make MORE and quicker difference that the lone nut ever did!
In my case, it took 20 YEARS for the first person to join. And the rest has been easy. But in those 20 years, my Da, 2 brothers and a close friend passed away. All those people took an interest and could have seen this happen in their lives if someone had taken a little step way back when.
So even scientists who knew from their training that my pump would work and about 80,000 ! people who saw video of mine working before Mat did couldn't bring themselves to leave the safety of the crowd of doubters and actually try make one or a model.
I think it is amazing just how cautious the herd of humans really is!