Lasereth, I hope nothing but the best for you. I am sorry if I missed this above and I know nothing about working out, but is it possible your not getting enough calorie burn on your workouts?
I do a cardio focused work out (mostly bike) each day, and walk a couple of km's each night 5/7 nights a week. I try and do intervals of flat out effort mixed with a steady tempo. I try and mix in days where I do the same amount distance/time but just at a moderate tempo. I think the weight lifting is burning a ton of calories but wonder what a focus worked out would do for you.
As for the food side, you mentioned the cycling of having and going without. Your comments are pretty strong against people who cook and preparing food yourself. I don't know, seems like something is going on. find that and you have your answer maybe.
I hope that doctor can provide an answer and you get a fix.
Your not overweight, I am an idiot and use to make fun of overweight people until I saw some dateline special about the guy who lost the most amount of weight then gained it all back only to loose it again.
He said, he is a food addict and he has to put a fork in his mouth three times a day to eat. Can you imagine if an alcohol had to still take a drink each day? a smoker, one smoke a day? makes controlling it so much harder. I feel for you man, and hope you can solve it. whatever it maybe.