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Old 05-21-2010, 03:07 PM   #19 (permalink)
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the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

A Tax Protest for the Productive People Who Drive Our Economy and Cannot Take Time Off Work to Protest

Click Here for Photos from the Naperville Tea Party Tax Protest

The Problem: Taxation Without Genuine Representation
Successful and hard working Americans are being forced to pay through the nose for the mistakes of others and for a massive new social agenda that is antithetical to America's work ethic. The party in power is no longer representing the interests of the individuals and small businesses who make this country successful.

The Protest: Make Your Voice Heard
Right now, a growing number of "Tea Party" protests are taking place throughout America. However as a hard-working individual, professional or small-business person you may find it impossible to join the protests in person. You can still make your voice heard however, with one simple action.

The Tea Bag: Symbol of Tax Protest

To make your objections heard in Washington, simply place a tea bag in an envelope along with a short and polite letter explaining your protest. Send it to your elected representatives in D.C.. You can find your representatives and their addresses by entering your zip code at the website. You can also send a similar protest letter and tea bag to President Obama as well as the leaders and key committee chairs in the Senate and House. Ordinary first class mail letter postage will be sufficient. UPDATE: Some people have written in to say that there may be problems with a tea bag getting through security. You may want to just include the tag from the tea bag, an empty tea bag, or print out a picture of the tea bag. Feel free to use the flagged tea bag image on this website if you want.

Register Your Protest: Don't Let Washington Sweep it Under the Carpet
After you send your tea bag protest letter please register your protest here. This step is completely optional, but will help to ensure that your message is not ignored by Washington and the Media. For each individual tea bag protest that is registered here, we will also add another tea bag of our own to a large bundle of them that will be used for a public protest ceremony in the near future. The information that you provide will be compiled to demonstrate the scope of this grass roots movement.

What are we protesting, exactly?
There are so many things that could be protested that it is hard to settle on any single one. Here's a partial list of some candidate issues. Choose the ones that matter to you, and write to your representative about them.
• Forced bailout of mortgages for those who made bad or risky investment choices by those who were more careful.
• Massive federal spending on government social programs that are likely to become entrenched interests.
• Increasing taxes on small businesses and their owners, who are the engine of the economy.
• Massive deficit spending that will take many generations to recover from.
• Ineffective throwing of hundreds of billions at financial institutions with no discernable positive result.
• Reduction of tax breaks for home mortgages and charitable contributions.
• Not allowing details of "spendulous" plans to be seen, read and comprehended prior to a vote.
• Massive "Cap and Tax" on the same kind of air molecules that we breathe out every few seconds.
• Wealth transfer that discourages industry and promotes laziness.
• Lack of concern for the trillions of dollars of personal savings that is being lost in the stock market.
Please Help Us Get the Word Out
Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success. You don't need to use this website to do your own tea bag protest, but we're here to help if you need it. Also, by registering your protest here you help to ensure that your protest will not be ignored by those in power. Finally, please help us by linking to this website from your own blog or website. Click here to get the HTML code for embedding our flag widget on your site.
Who Are We and Why Are We Doing This? was conceived by a small business person who has been working day and night to keep the business running and people employed for the past 7 years. Small businesses rely on the profits of the company in good years to invest in the growth of the company, and to keep the company running in lean times. Many of these companies are formed as LLCs or S-Corporations, which means that the profits of the company are reported on the owners' individual tax returns. When Barack Obama and the Democrats raise our individual taxes, it severely damages our ability to keep the company operational from year to year. Further, when they spend money like a drunken sailor, it severely damages the economy as a whole and pushes the cost on to generations of Americans.
I am donating my time and money to this cause because I realize that the plans of the current administration and congress will have a devastating effect on the American economy and way of life. If the volume of response gets sufficiently large I will be looking for help stuffing envelopes. If you would like to join me in this cause, or if you have suggestions or comments you can reach me at:
Complacency is the enemy of democracy.
I’m sure this guy really enjoyed being compared to “testicles dangled in ones mouth” when he was rightfully protesting taxes.

It was the TEA BAG PARTY Movement. The term “tea bagger” was offensive to begin with and was initially used as a double entendre by some of the immature conservatives as a crude attack on the white house which backfired. It was never the intent for the TEA BAG PARTY Movement participants to be called “tea baggers”, bunch of immature name callers thinking they were smart up in front of the white house being crude, bought their own party the label. But some liberals had no problem affixing the term to those who were merely making a statement about taxation policy based in the historical concepts of the “Boston Tea Party” it’s a real shame when even history is dirtied to appease one parties interest of degrading another.

A few self serving immature protesters carried signs that said tea bag the white house, as to say protest the white house, send tea bags as a sign of your protest and/or I guess we will dangle our balls over the mouth of the government until they take notice of spending. They weren’t calling the persons inside the white house nut sacks, which was apparently being saved for the conservative to do, what a nice way to view fellow Americans merely because of their political allegiance, it really only makes individuals, regardless of their party, look just as classless as any other “far” winged persons who perpetuate derogatory labeling of Americans, or any persons, based on their party line involvement.

Moderate conservatives don’t have a respected voice anymore because everything “hard core righties” have to say is pounced upon, taken and twisted into an opportunity to degrade them personally, they all do it to each other. Liberals blame conservatives blame liberals, call names, intimidate, degrade……. like a bunch of elementary kids on a playground whose parents, being the American public, then defend their “kids” by saying well such and such started it, so it’s o.k.

It’s not o.k., for as much as conservatives try to be responsible, and American in their own right, in their own way, many liberals will happily take every opportunity to destroy the party based on the immature remarks of a few, it’s not like the liberal party is without fault. It has almost become un-American to be conservative in our nation, at least that is the way liberals make you feel if you appear to have even remotely traditional values, you are antiquated and homophobic, the problem is, that just isn’t true.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does

p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.
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