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Old 05-21-2010, 01:44 PM   #16 (permalink)
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
The problem here is this. The TEA Party (everyone keeps telling me) is mostly made up of old white people who are completely out of touch with popular culture and norms. People like that aren't exactly going to be "hip" to the meaning of the term, especially since they were very obviously applying it to the act of mailing a tea-bag to a legislator.
You are being disingenuous here. The sign said "Teabag the white house before they teabag you." So the person who wrote that sign was under the impression that the white house was going to mail bags of tea to people, and that offended him enough to make a sign? The person who made that sign clearly knew the definition, which is why they chose that verbiage. They were trying to be cleaver and offensive.
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