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Old 05-21-2010, 10:30 AM   #2 (permalink)
You know, I think I'm going to start referring to leftists with whom I disagree as "goatfuckers."

The Tea Party, the jokers who are constantly rambling on about "personal responsibility" and "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps;" who oppose national healthcare because "I got mine; if you don't, tough titties;" who oppose the regulation of Wall Street because they see it as a threat to the free market, even though the reckless practices of Wall Street led us down the path to a recession; who see nothing wrong with racial profiling and violating civil rights to keep those "brown people" in check--THESE SAME MOTHERFUCKERS are perfectly okay with giving a multi-billion industry a get out of jail free card and chalking up a global ecological disaster as "oops, accidents happen"?!
You might have something resembling a point here -if-, and -only- if, Dr. Paul (or anyone else) was suggesting that BP be allowed to -not- pay for the cleanup and associated costs, which they have repeatedly said they would do. Until and unless they refuse to do so, or have the laws changed to -actually- let them off the hook, your point is moot. It's not a "get out of jail free" card if it doesn't get you out of jail, costs something, or both.

Last edited by The_Dunedan; 05-21-2010 at 10:33 AM..
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