dlish brought my attention to this very interesting and challenging case. Im an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD an equivelant of a Registered Dietitian (RD) in the USA)
Reading the whole discussion , I was very impressed by the contributions everyone made and questions they asked. Many recommendations such as;
1. Low GI diet
2. Balancing out all macronutrients
3. More frequent meals/snacks
4. Foods that incraese satiety (ie increase protein with foods such as nuts and seeds etc)
5. Increasing fibre (along the lines of low GI again)
6. Increasing calorie intake while incraesing exercise as well
Some of the questions asked such as calorie intake that he should be having? A history of food restriction? Current weight?
Unfortunetely for you, you have tried all of the suggetions listed but nothing has worked. You are exercising and doing more anaerobic exercise rather than aerobic which means that if you did a body composision analysis, you should have normal levels of muscle in your body (possibly excess fat if you are obese now) and your metabolism should be fine which will be reflected in your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
Im sure there is a significant psychological component to be factored in here. Many studies show that people who have a history of fad dieting or restriction of food will usually binge and will usually be more obsessed with food as opposed to those who have always had a healthy relationship with food, never yo-yo dieted and eat everything within moderation.
Im not usually one that resorts to this recommendation but in your situation you may want to consider and appetite suppressants and/or bariatric surgery. You will need to speak to your doctor and see if you are a candidate for these appetite suppresants (although these are not long term solutions). Since you have mentioned that you have no co-morbidities, then i dont see why bariatric surgery cannot be considered. There are numerous types of bariatric surgeries, some more invasive than others but you will need to discuss this with your docto to see if this is appropriate for you.
You will need to have your dietitian who has a psychology background and/or a speciality in bariatrics to work hand in hand with your doctor. I do wish you the best, and if you need any pointers, send a PM to dlish and i’ll respond to your queries or you could respond in here. Good luck once again.