You call it an aside, but:
Originally Posted by roach
and because alot of conservatives do not like what this sort of information says, do not like what it leads to, do not like the kind of reflexivity that knowing your actions are conditioned by history forces onto you, they prefer to act as though this kind of information is a weapon fashioned to persecute them, to disrupt their opinions man, to push them out of the smug reliance on some immediate common sense which is useful when you're figuring out what orange juice to drink or what's happening in your immediate surroundings on the relatively superficial level of the "present" but doesnt help at all to think about what conditions that "present" and still less to think about what conditions the "common sense" that lives in the superficial variants of the present...superficial because this present is seen as self-contained.
This was the best part. It's spot on.
And unfortunately I empathize, simply because I was a bootstrappy liberal long before any education in sociology or the conditions of the past that make the conditions of the present and how we're not simply products of our immediate desire like the naiveté of ignorance would have us believe.