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Old 05-20-2010, 03:53 PM   #39 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
Lunch Bag Art

author's comments:
A new bag each day for my kids.

I'm the dad. I make these during my lunch break.

The name “Allosaurus” means “Different Lizard.” How interesting?

My five-year-old son is very impressed with that Trololo guy.
“He’s a very good singer,” he says.

After vigintillions of years great Cthulhu was loose again, and ravening for delight.

*switch to a different father

R is for Ronan. And Robber.

*and again, another thoughtful dad

The original party dude michelangelo. When the evil shredder
attacks these .Turtle boys don’t cut him no slack!

[lunchbagart.] + [rsmallbone.] + [lunchbagdad.]
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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