Originally Posted by rahl
Pan, I don't think anyone here is saying your not entitled to your opinion. But when someones opinion is proven wrong(not speaking about this particular discussion, but debate in general) and they still cling to that opinion, the discussion really can't go any further because some people cling to their opinions even when they have been proven to be utterly incorrect.
It is frustrating to talk to someone who can't acknowledge when they are wrong. (not speaking about you, just people in general)
An opinion is neither right nor wrong... it is drawn off life experiences, the education and the experiences and influences of those close.
THAT is an opinion.
It does not have to be "qualified" or it would be called a "qualified" opinion. An opinion is simply someone's belief.
And look for the last time because obviously you are missing something. When you degrade or tell someone their opinion/belief is LESS than... for whatever reason, it in NO WAY promotes a debate where respect, dignity and openness can thrive. Once an opinion is dismissed or degraded, the person automatically takes a defensive and it's over... you will NEVER get them to change their minds. They may because of other sources but I can almost guarantee it wasn't because of the degradation of their opinion.
Why do you think Limbaugh, Beck, Maher, Moore, Sharpton, whomever are so successful... because they alienate those whose opinions are disagreeable and give safe haven for those with a like opinion. They play on people's emotions, beliefs and opinions... AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM.... there is no mutual respect of opinion, no trying to reach a positive compromise... one side demands the other takes their stand and neither side will back down because there is NO RESPECT for the other's opinion.
When opinions are shared, respected and talked about... BOTH sides learn and can respect the other. If that sharing, respect and dignity isn't given... there will be no true resolution.
Is it really that fucking hard to understand?
Can't believe people are arguing that opinion has to be based on education and fact before they can respect it. I guess that's your opinion and I respect it ... but it's fucked up. Now how do you feel.... all defensive and a bit angry "how dare pan dismiss my opinion that way. I'll show him".
Exactly my point.