This is horrid! I'm glad he wasn't found guilty of manslaughter, but that's hardly justic to what he's been through. See this is why the practice of hunting frightenes me. Two of my family members have been killed due to hunting, (One in the stomach under similar circumstances as Mr.Cortez, wrong place at the wrong time, and another after he'd just got back from hunting and was reaching over his gun to get his kill when it discharged and got him in the head)
I hate the justic system, becuase it doesn't provide justic, so much as make sure someone gets blamed for the crime, however petty or serious it is, someone has to pay and go to jail. In theory this makes sense, of course if something bad happened there has to be someone behind it, but that's childs logic, it's not always so. Accidents, framings, blackmail, people don't factor these in unless they are RIGHT THERE and cannot be missed. If there's no or little evidence, they ignore it, making false accusations until they have something to go on, someone to blame.
I really hope Craig is acquitted and given monetary compensation for something that is not even slightly his fault. He never sought out to murder a man, *IF* by chance a bullet from his gun was the cause of death for said man, Craig did not once to try lie or cover up the fact that he was hunting, near/around the area, with similar bullets. I don't even know this man but I have faith that IF he had known his bullet had penetrated a man, he wouldn't have walked away. He would have done the proper thing and gotten help, he would have been a hero not a fellon. And the only, the ONLY stitch of different between the two, is that bullets travel far, and they travel fast, so IF Craigs bullet did travel so far as to kill this man, he couldn't see it to prevent or plan it.