Originally Posted by Jinn
pan, at the risk of turning this into another discussion about how your opinion is just your opinion and is simply not up for any sort of modification or education and we're just picking on you by addressing your opinion on its merits:
Do you have any education (formal or otherwise) with regards to macro-level social change, equality, 'the achievement gap' (education), opportunity differences between races in America, 'the glass ceiling' or even 'racism'?
No offense to your opinion or anyone else with the same opinion, but I think it's a bit hard to postulate a 'solution' for a disparity of wealth, clearly drawn along racial lines, without any experience with the above, particularly exposure to 'solutions' attempted in the past that have and haven't worked. Certainly hard to make those 'solutions' credible, at least. Anyone can pontificate about how to 'solve' this problem (which, by the way, the conservative solution is "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps"), but valuable solutions are advanced by those with the experience, education or rhetoric to defend why their solution is better than any other solution. Rhetorically, why should we believe your solution has greater efficacy than a solution that addresses the issue at its root causes?
And I don't understand why I need to qualify my opinion on anything other than my life experiences and that which my friends have experienced and shown me. Especially when I state it is nothing more than MY opinion. I did not qualify it as that of a scholar or expert on the subject. But my opinion and belief determines my vote far more than any article that can I am sure somewhere be rebutted by a different source just as respected.
I didn't know in order to have an opinion on anything I need a degree or college credits in the subject.
That's one of the problems here, in TFP and political debate in general. People allow their emotions and experiences to determine their opinion. Then you have those who want to be all holier than thou by asking, "what credentials do you have to have such an opinion? You can't have an opinion that will be taken seriously without a laundry list of credentials, links and proof." Thus.... people leave, get turned off and dig further into their beliefs and become more and more defensive and less likely to change their mind or find some type of compromise. This then leads to further partisanship and more of a divide in the nation.
You can disagree all you want, I will allow your opinion and listen to it. I am sure you have the required laundry list to have such an opinion. Then again.... wait a minute... I don't... fuck so my opinion doesn't matter.