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Old 05-18-2010, 10:24 AM   #14 (permalink)
RogueGypsy's Avatar
Location: The Great NorthWet
This seems a bit inflammatory calling it a racial issue. Regardless of race if your economic habits are the same, your economic situation will be the same. That said, history tends to lend the advantage in wealth, as most great wealth is accumulated over time and built generation after generation. This same study could have used immigrants as a group and found similar results, regardless of race. And regardless of the nation in the studies focus.

This quote from the article link further defines the issue;

"There were also social factors, the study found. "In African-American families there is a much larger extended network of kin as well as other obligations. From other work we've done we know that there's more call on the resources of relatively well-off African-American families; that they lend money that's not given back; they help cousins go to school. They help brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, with all kinds of legal and family problems," said Shapiro."

Replace the words 'African-American' with 'immigrant' and you'll see my meaning.

I will also point out that a pool of 2000 out of 300,000,000 can be skewed to reflect anything you would like.

It should also be noted this 'inequality' is world wide, picking on America is just becoming an old pass time for the rest of the world. To which I say "Pull up your boots bitches and fix your own problems, quit wasting everyone's time worrying what others are doing."

The fix for this is not greater taxes on the wealthy or 'redistribution of wealth', it's teaching fiscal responsibility and economics. The quote above states quite succinctly, 'it's their own families dragging them down, not society'. How can anyone get ahead when you have to bail cousin Billy Bob Leroy Javier Chen out of jail every week? Or when your paying niece Cindy Lou Who's tuition, because sister Jenny Mae can't put down the crack pipe?

Is there inequality in America, you betcha. But it transcends race, creed, color, religion and International borders. It exists everywhere and in everyone. It is the only true equal opportunity and until we are all exactly the same, it always will be.


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