I think this conversation between me and cynthetiq should be for everyone to see:
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I think your initial topic is a good one, but your method for debate leaves a lot to be desired. Again, as i reminded you before, saying your opinion is just fine, but once you've said it, and others refute it with solid evidence, your position pretty much erodes to just simple opinion and the discussion moves no further. I've been reading more about you, via your blog page and find that it's filled with more of the same rhetoric with little basis of fact or support from others. I'm writing this to take the pre-emptive strike at convincing you to take a break from that thread and look at some of our other forums and threads. If this it he only thread that has interest to you, our paths within the community will come to an end as once that thread is locked, you'll have no other reason to stick around or post here. I'd like to prevent that. Since you've mis-read my intentions and words before, let me make this clear to you and the other admins on this PM, this discussion is devolving into the area of non-sensical trolling. There's no reason for us to subject our community to it from a new member, let alone long standing ones. Again, I'm not banning you from anything, but if the thread doesn't gain more ground in a manner of discussion it will be locked. thank you for your participation. cynthetiq
Hi there, Thank you for partly seeing my point. Two points: I think your initial topic is a good one, but your method for debate leaves a lot to be desired. Again, as i reminded you before, saying your opinion is just fine, but once you've said it, and others refute it with solid evidence, your position pretty much erodes to just simple opinion and the discussion moves no further. I've been reading more about you, via your blog page and find that it's filled with more of the same rhetoric with little basis of fact or support from others. I'm writing this to take the pre-emptive strike at convincing you to take a break from that thread and look at some of our other forums and threads. If this it he only thread that has interest to you, our paths within the community will come to an end as once that thread is locked, you'll have no other reason to stick around or post here. I'd like to prevent that. Since you've mis-read my intentions and words before, let me make this clear to you and the other admins on this PM, this discussion is devolving into the area of non-sensical trolling. There's no reason for us to subject our community to it from a new member, let alone long standing ones. Again, I'm not banning you from anything, but if the thread doesn't gain more ground in a manner of discussion it will be locked. thank you for your participation
1. I still get this feeling that I'm being treated unfairly. Can you bring to my notice where I have continued with a "point of view," even after someone brought out a credible research proving me wrong? 2. Are you saying that scientific researches are not open for analysis by laymen? Even if they have personal experiences that conflict with those researches? In that case, till the scientific community sees 'homosexuality' as a mental disease, I've no right to analyse or discuss a view point that 'homosexuality' maynot be a mental disease? Scientific 'facts' keep changing by the day. One day, they say one thing. The other they do a round about. Are you taking away my power to question scientific studies?
[quote=Cynthetiq]After reading your last post is uncomfortably close to trollling. We insist that people debate the post, not the poster. Thus you're not able to call someone gay as you have here. I'm beginning to rethink our relationship here, you may not be a good fit as a community member if you cannot abide by our rules of discussion and abstain from trolling or flaming other members. I'll give you some time to rework this post. cynthetiq
Originally Posted by Natural manhood
It is for you to prove that the historical research based book published by universities are not peer-reviewed. Stop making loose accusations. Actually, I keep meeting closeted 'gays' saying they're straights and then fighting for 'gay' identity like hell. And sometimes I catch them lying red handed. It's your huge interest in the 'sexual orientation' theory, that I know for a fact is useless, even harmful to the men in the straight side of the divide, whether or not they like women exclusively. Only gays believe in the exclusivity of heterosexuality for straights. You're sounding like a gay every bit, you're fighting for a cause that is basically gay ... and then you claim you're straight. Even your pic is so 'gay'. Can you bring here those actual scientific facts and historical records that disprove any of the things I claim? Only someone who can do that has any right to oppose me. You're a gay chauvinist, nothing else. And, I give reasons for the theories I'm rejecting. Are you saying that we ordinary mortals do not have any right to question scientific theories, even with scientific reasons? You wouldn't be saying that if the gay identity wasn't so important to you. The question is not what my mind defines 'manhood' as. The question is what our societies define manhood as, and what they lay for men as the criteria for granting manhood. Even if for discussions' sake I believe that you're heterosexual, then why are you fighting for the 'sexual identities'. What does it matter if I claim that several straight men also like men? This shouldn't stir a male who is really heterosexual. The more straight men go for women, the less competition it would be for men. Like I said, you're just plain a gay chauvinist in the closet.
I am not misreading your intentions now or then. You want to ban my thread, because it forces you to deal with an issue you would rather not. It questions the very basis upon which the western civilization is built. And you don't want to give space to anything that questions it. And does it aggressively. You want to ban it, ban it. Be upfront about it. don't beat about the bush. You're wrong in doing it. But then everything that your society is based upon is a lie. The freedom of expression your society is so proud of is extremely laid with double standards. As far as calling him 'gay' is concerned, why should it be a matter of any dispute, if we agree that there is nothing wrong with the term. Also, he wanted to discuss his sexuality. It was not I who raised the issue. He again and again wanted me to comment on it. And I said what I felt. I have done nothing wrong. Don't hide behind flimsy excuses to hide your discomfort for locking this thread. I have been called a closeted gay by some of the posters here, you never took any action against them ... Bad luck to your system of 'sexual apartheid' and I hope one day it ends and together with end all your anti-man mechanisms and all the power that the anti-man elements hold in your society.