Originally Posted by rahl
You are the one making outrageous unsubtantiated claims. You can not provide any peer reviewed or scientific studies backing up your claims.
It is for you to prove that the historical research based book published by universities are not peer-reviewed. Stop making loose accusations.
Originally Posted by rahl
From your post above, you believe that I am gay because I like women? How does that even make sense?
Actually, I keep meeting closeted 'gays' saying they're straights and then fighting for 'gay' identity like hell. And sometimes I catch them lying red handed. It's your huge interest in the 'sexual orientation' theory, that I know for a fact is useless, even harmful to the men in the straight side of the divide, whether or not they like women exclusively. Only gays believe in the exclusivity of heterosexuality for straights. You're sounding like a gay every bit, you're fighting for a cause that is basically gay ... and then you claim you're straight. Even your pic is so 'gay'.
Originally Posted by rahl
it's clear that you can't provide any sort of evidence(outside of opinion pieces) and you continue to reject ACTUAL scientific facts and historical records
Can you bring here those actual scientific facts and historical records that disprove any of the things I claim? Only someone who can do that has any right to oppose me. You're a gay chauvinist, nothing else.
And, I give reasons for the theories I'm rejecting. Are you saying that we ordinary mortals do not have any right to question scientific theories, even with scientific reasons? You wouldn't be saying that if the gay identity wasn't so important to you.
Originally Posted by rahl
One thing I want clarification on...
What in your mind defines "manhood"? Is it merely the act of penetrating? Is it being the provider in a relationship? Is it being a hunter/gatherer?
The question is not what my mind defines 'manhood' as. The question is what our societies define manhood as, and what they lay for men as the criteria for granting manhood.
Originally Posted by rahl
There are many differnt kinds of men out there, we are all different. We don't all fit neatly into your little boxes. I am a man, have been since my fathers sperm met my mothers egg. I don't now nor have I ever had any desire to be with a man sexually. Society didn't tell me not to, I just don't find men attractive. I prefer women. So how on earth do you conclude that I'm gay from that?
Even if for discussions' sake I believe that you're heterosexual, then why are you fighting for the 'sexual identities'. What does it matter if I claim that several straight men also like men? This shouldn't stir a male who is really heterosexual. The more straight men go for women, the less competition it would be for men. Like I said, you're just plain a gay chauvinist in the closet.