If the chef is screaming at a male member of staff I wouldnt consider it my business, and it would make the guy feel imasculated if someone cut in to defend him
If he spoke in an unacceptable manner to a female member of staff I might have to take issue with it - but I'd try and do it in a way that it didnt make the member of staff feel it was about them - because it might make them feel uncomfortable. But like if my gf was there I could pull the chef up and be like "listen you cunt, how dare you swear in front of my girlfriend in this way" or whatever...
So thats my view. I would consider stepping in if the chef was bullying a woman in an aggressive way....I wouldnt necessary offer him to come oustide, but I'd give him a bit of language to see how he liked being talked to like that certainly. Otherwise I might not like it, but I probably wouldnt do anything. Probably most people wouldnt, which is why bullies mostly get away with being bullies.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas