You are the one making outrageous unsubtantiated claims. You can not provide any peer reviewed or scientific studies backing up your claims.
From your post above, you believe that I am gay because I like women? How does that even make sense?
And now I'm not an intellectual because I won't take your OPINION at face value? I should have stayed out of this thread from the start, at this point it is becoming circular and it's clear that you can't provide any sort of evidence(outside of opinion pieces) and you continue to reject ACTUAL scientific facts and historical records, yet we here are unintelligent?
One thing I want clarification on...
What in your mind defines "manhood"? Is it merely the act of penetrating? Is it being the provider in a relationship? Is it being a hunter/gatherer?
There are many differnt kinds of men out there, we are all different. We don't all fit neatly into your little boxes. I am a man, have been since my fathers sperm met my mothers egg. I don't now nor have I ever had any desire to be with a man sexually. Society didn't tell me not to, I just don't find men attractive. I prefer women. So how on earth do you conclude that I'm gay from that?
"Your life is Yours alone...Rise up and live it"
Last edited by rahl; 05-17-2010 at 09:33 AM..