Originally Posted by Idyllic
What an absolutely fabulous way to separate males from females, man from woman, to convince young men that all females are secondary humans and if you enjoy their company or enjoy sex with them or wish to live pair bonded with them you are in reality a woman yourself inside of a mans body. That would fuck me up if I were a guy and someone told me that if I preferred women then I must really be a woman inside a mans body and if this were true then I must be a 3rd gender, even less and lower than the effeminate gender itself. I may just negate woman altogether also, so as to protect my “Natural Manhood.”
What a perfect way to degrade females all over again but this time we aren’t less hu”man” YOU ARE just less a MAN if YOU LIKE US!
Bravo, NM, way to bring back the dehumanization of all that is woman and effeminate, we are not so blind as to be unable see what this thinking is and will do to society, it segregates male from female exponentially.
85% of males prefer cuddling with other men, that’s crap and there is no proof, none at all, just vain attempts to self promote gynophobia under the guise of manhood, pure crap.
rahl, this isn't about men and manhood this is about hating women and all that is effeminate, even other men who like women. He can't explain it, if he did he would have to label you as 3rd effeminate gender because you really like females thus exposing your effeminate nature thereby exposing his base belief that men who like women are not "Natural Men" just merely more women inside men's bodies.
Thank you Idyllic for saying all of the above as bluntly as you did.
I've been reading this thread since it first appeared. I agree, bottom line, that is the underlying point of the OP.
He is offended at being perceived of as weak for wanting to have sex with men and in his effort to defend his own sexuality, he has used the classic homophobic argument, replacing homosexuals with women.
Homophobe: "Having sex with men is unnatural and there for you cannot be "a real man" if that is your inclination."
NM: "Having sex with women is unnatural and therefore you cannot be a "real man" if you that is your inclination."
Therefore, in a twist of homophobic logic, he's demonizing women.
NM, as has been said over and again, have sex with whom you like and don't worry about what others think, but don't justify it by denigrating women or falsely trying to insist that "straight" men don't exist or that sex with women is forced upon them.