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Old 05-17-2010, 07:41 AM   #183 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ring View Post
Thank you ring, for in this I find that as its teachings and beliefs:

1. For the majority (app. 85%)* of males:

The primary sexual need in this group is towards other males. The majority of this group consists of masculine gendered males with their primary sexual need towards other masculine gendered males.

The secondary sexual need in this group is towards women. The majority consists of masculine gendered males whose secondary sexual interest is feminine gendered females.

Thus as a general rule, masculine gendered males (men), if left on their own, i.e. without undue social influence or pressures, will choose to live with other masculine gender males --- both as social groups and as sexual partners.

Many from this group of masculine gendered males will at specific time and interval pick women for short intervals ranging from quickies to one-night stands to short term 'bonds'. This secondary need is more likely to manifest itself during the latter part of one's life, towards latter youth or middle age. Of course an unspecified percentage of masculine gendered men do not desire to have sex with women at all --- and they form the core of this masculine gendered male group, which keeps the group together.

A masculine gendered male of this group will be extremely choosy in picking a male partner. They will find it difficult to be aroused by 'just any male' (as against the stereotype of gays who are supposed to "just desire any dick"). Under normal circumstances, they are not interested in one night stands with other males. When they choose to have sex with another masculine gender male they tend to develop a deeper bond which strengthens over time.

On the other hand this majority group of masculine gendered males will be very indiscriminate in their choice of women. When they desire women, they will pick any one who is available --- as long as they are feminine gendered. This group does not get along very well with masculine gendered women, especially as sexual partners. This group loses interest in their women partners quite soon. They are not inclined to get romantic or cuddly or emotional in their sexual flings with women.

This group's desired sexual activities with other males is not focused on penetrative sex --- in fact it is rarely practiced. Instead it consists of things like frotting, mutual masturbation, touching, holding and getting cuddly.

Their sexual acts with women is generally limited to penetrative sex and usually does not include cuddling, use of mouth, or other forms of foreplay.

They are the most likely to be inconvenienced by the very concept of marriage, and the bulk of 'marriage jokes' are made with them in mind.
85% of men only have sex with females to pass the time as their Secondary sexual needs fulfillment.

85% of ALL men prefer sexual intimacy with other men, cuddly intimacy....

2. For a minority (app. 15%)* of males the primary sexual need is towards women.
A big part of this group consists of feminine gendered and 'meterosexual' males (e.g. males who are both masculine gendered and feminine gendered --- in our society their natural femininity may be camouflaged/ suppressed by social masculinity/ power that heterosexuality brings).

This group of males relates with women, and tend to bond with them both socially and sexually. They do not feel ill at ease in the company of women. They tend to have an 'inner thing' with women, and tend to feel almost one of them. They perceive 'equality of women' as being 'women and men are the same', and are one of the strongest components of the 'vested interest group' of heterosexualisation.

They prefer to live in spaces which are shared by women, even dominated by women. They take their sex flings with women very seriously and tend to get emotionally involved with women they sleep with. Hence they are also very choosy about the kind of women that they are attracted to.

They are more likely to be attracted by masculine gendered, powerful, dominant women, and prefer to play the 'submissive' part.

They tend to bond life-long with women, and look forward to marriage, unlike the first group.

Their preferred sexual activities with women is not centred on penetration. Instead they tend to enjoy a lot of different activities with women, including giving mouth (called eating pussy), cuddling, touching and a lot of foreplay.

They are not very inclined to be part of male groups and participate in the stuff men commonly do – including sports (they may like to watch a lot of sports though!), preferring to spend their time with women instead.

This group has a secondary sexual need for males. But they tend to prefer males who are feminine gendered. Also their sexual preference for males necessarily includes anal intercourse (both active and passive). This need is usually short-lived and they lack the desire or capability to bond long term with males. This need manifests itself more commonly during their youth.
Only 15% of you men really like to eat pussy and those of you who do are not part of the 1st gender males, you are actually part of the 3rd genders because you want to *gasp* bond with females and enjoy female copulation and actually WANT to marry females.

Only 15% of men feel this way, guys, so all you happily married men out there are not 1st gendered true “masculine” “manly” men for if you were you would only entertain sex with a female as a second choice to be for quick self physical satisfaction, if you cuddle with a female you to are effeminate……. so you better stay away from us girls beyond anything except based penetration, or you might be considered part of NM’s 3rd gender, easy as 1, 2, 3……. 1 = MAN no woman…… 2 = woman……. 3 = man who like woman or anything seemingly effeminate…… it all sounds so oppressive and self-serving and narrowing to me. It sounds like a way to negate, anything based as natural, the inclinations for male and female bonding, AND a way to promote anything effeminate, such as the act of cuddling with women as an anti-masculine, anti-man action to other young men so as to steer them AWAY from long term pair bonding with females.

85% of ALL men would never consider cunnalingus, and if you do, you are not a “real” man, gender and sex, you are a male/she, male gendered female sexed or male sexed female gender, fuck it, YOU ARE A MAN WITH A WOMAN INSIDE YOU!

What an absolutely fabulous way to separate males from females, man from woman, to convince young men that all females are secondary humans and if you enjoy their company or enjoy sex with them or wish to live pair bonded with them you are in reality a woman yourself inside of a mans body. That would fuck me up if I were a guy and someone told me that if I preferred women then I must really be a woman inside a mans body and if this were true then I must be a 3rd gender, even less and lower than the effeminate gender itself. I may just negate woman altogether also, so as to protect my “Natural Manhood.”

What a perfect way to degrade females all over again but this time we aren’t less hu”man” YOU ARE just less a MAN if YOU LIKE US!

Bravo, NM, way to bring back the dehumanization of all that is woman and effeminate, we are not so blind as to be unable see what this thinking is and will do to society, it segregates male from female exponentially.

85% of males prefer cuddling with other men, that’s crap and there is no proof, none at all, just vain attempts to self promote gynophobia under the guise of manhood, pure crap.

rahl, this isn't about men and manhood this is about hating women and all that is effeminate, even other men who like women. He can't explain it, if he did he would have to label you as 3rd effeminate gender because you really like females thus exposing your effeminate nature thereby exposing his base belief that men who like women are not "Natural Men" just merely more women inside men's bodies.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does

p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.

Last edited by Idyllic; 05-17-2010 at 07:44 AM..
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