NM, for the sake of removing all unintended stigma from your argument that may be unintentionally read between your words here, please define for us your position on equality for women and/or effeminate men.
I am respectfully asking you to please answer these questions to the best of your ability:
1. Do you feel females deserve equal space within a society OUTSIDE of the house and the bedroom; i.e. getting paid the same wages for working the same jobs as a males.
2. Do you feel “gay”/effeminate males deserve equal space within a society OUTSIDE of the house and the bedroom; i.e. getting paid the same wages for working the same jobs as non-effeminate males.
3. Do you feel females are intellectually equal to males?
4. Do YOU feel that a female who exposes herself as enjoying sex is a whore?
5. Is it necessary for a female to be a virgin, prior to marriage, to be considered pure and/or suitable for marriage, in your opinion?
6. Do you believe that western females lead or perpetuate the “anti-man” agenda?
7. Do you believe that western effeminate “gay” persons lead or perpetuate the “anti-man” agenda?
8. Do you feel males should be able to enjoy sex with females without stigma? Are you afraid to acknowledge sexual enjoyment with females for fear that if you do it reduces your self image of manhood?
9. Should women be allowed to have sex outside of marriage and still be considered as a potential wife?
10. Can a female lead a dignified life without marring or having children and still be permitted to have sex with males and females without being labeled a whore, in your opinion? And if she is would having sex with her reduce the masculinity of males?
11. List three things about women you find attractive…. physically.
12. Lastly, list three things about women you find important to humankind….. Socially, as in what physically they have added in the advancements of a cohesive society outside of what defines them as female…. i.e. the awareness of the inherent weaknesses of children and their need to be protected. Can you think of anything else that women have pushed for seemingly stronger than men to implement in a societies structure. (I am not denying that men have not pushed for these basic awareness also, just noting some instances where woman may push specifically hard because of our innate maternal instinct [yes, I realize not all women make good moms, that is beside the point].)
Thank you NM, I’m sure this will help the women in understanding that we are not the crux of your “anti-man” agenda so as we may help in supporting your cause and help in preventing, for our sons also, any further destruction of their manhood within society, as this is not something women desire either, don’t you agree?
Basically, what I am asking you NM, is Do YOU think females suppress males, or do you think effeminacy attempts to oppress masculinity?
It is a fair question in your argument for females to ask, and it is fair that you respond, we have earned the right to insure that freedom for females in the west continues evolving, don’t you agree?
p.s. I will continue to re-post these questions until they are either answered by you or I am banned from this website, as I believe we can go no further in this discussion of “anti-man” until we clarify what exactly “anti-man” means in relation to “pro-female” equality within a society, specifically humanity.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does
p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.