Hey Lurkette
I tend to over think these sorts of things too. There are any number of actors, famous chefs, directors, that I have had access to in the course of my career. Some of whom I managed to interview, some for whom I did their PR and others who were just around at industry events.
With one notable exception (my very recent encounter will William Shatner) I have never gone out of my way to get an autograph a picture or any of that sort of stuff. I don't really want to meet these people in that sort of circumstance. I find it entirely weird to stand and gush to the person about how cool they are, etc. Having done PR, I've seen fans do this to a few celebrities and it's always just a little bit more than awkward and I never wanted to put myself in that same position.
The best encounters I've had with celebrities are where I am encountering them for work (PR, interviews, etc.). I suppose it felt like a legitimate excuse to meet someone. Less contrived (interestingly, I often feel the same about world travel... business travel is somehow less contrived than other forms of travel... but I digress).
The only other exception to this is when you are introduced. I was waiting in line at a sushi restaurant with a producer I know. In line, in front of us was the actor Jeff Bridges. The producer had made a film with him the year before and struck up a conversation. He introduced me. Clearly I was thrilled to meet him but had there not been an introduction, I would never have intruded upon him for a chat.
I guess it comes down to two things:
1) I don't want to intrude on them.
2) I don't want to meet someone in those sorts of circumstances. I have no desire to have an autograph (I wouldn't know what to do with it). I would rather just appreciate their art than meet the person behind it in an, inevitably, awkward encounter.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke