Originally Posted by LordEden
For me I just wonder where the line is that divides Artisy Porn and Porn Art (like food porn, food that looks so freaking good it's unreal)? I'm at work, so I can't show pictures of what I mean, but there are some photographers out there that photograph beautiful women in wonderful ways, but it's still there to get lonely guys hard (or couples in the mood).
The Venus De Milo (or other renaissance art) does not get me hard. Met-Art (or other high quality sites) do get me hard. That's where I draw the line, what muscle it pulls on when I view it.
Should I just repost this in BG's thread? Maybe, then I might not get to talk about crack whores sucking goats off.
So basically your definition of Art is that it doesn't sexually arouse you? That's got little to do with aesthetic or artistic value and more to do with a given region and period's ideal of beauty, back in the day Ms. Milo probably gave a whole lot of stiffies.