What Charlatan said.
I'm just surprised jetee, you just (in my Internet eye) to be someone that enjoyed food in a way only people that love food or that have traveled can really know. It just seemed that you said that no good restaurants could come out of those towns and they only get by because they have NYC or France by their name.
Just seemed to me like that is a very limited view of the world of food.
Surprised, but not hateful. That's not what I was aiming for.
Also, the above post. QFT.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich