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Old 05-14-2010, 03:14 PM   #132 (permalink)
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Location: Ventura County
Originally Posted by Derwood View Post
ace, I don't understand why you're going out of your way to defend and/or downplay BP's role in this. Are you arguing for the sake of arguing? Is your 401k tied to BP stock? This doesn't seem to be a right vs. left debate, so why are you spending so much time trying to explain away what seems like a pretty simple case of negligence?
No. First, I just find it unbelievable that our government on one hand is on a soap box about how bad BP and the rest are but is taking no responsibility for the accident and has not assumed a leadership role in fixing this mess. Think about it - BP says, guys it is just a small little leak, we will get it taken care of - and now a month later we get a real estimate of how much oil is leaking and it is much higher and nothing they have done is working???? How come we did not know this from day one, if it is true about the volume of oil? Why do we not know what the plans are to fix this??? How many chances do you give BP if you think they are criminal, negligent, they lie, etc., if I believed any of those thing - it is zero! So, what is up with that?

Second, everyone knows the risks in drilling oil a mile down in open water. Now we pretend that it could have been done without risk???

Third, given the alternative of drilling on land in Alaska, much less risk to the environment, tourism, and other industries we have no open minded consideration of that, but we have Obama one week wanting to expand drilling off-shore and the next wanting to stop it completely. Can we get someone to think this stuff through?

Fourth, we have Congressional show hearings before the leak is capped - what is that all about, other than politics and it is shameful in my view.

Fifth, using an example - if company A has a policy for workers to wear a certain type of shoe, and a worker comes to work in an unsafe shoe and has a fatal slip and fall accident due to the shoe - sure we can blame the company for not having a person check each employees shoes every time they enter the work site. But at some point we have to understand that with "systems", real people are involved and a company no matter how well intentioned may encounter work-place accidents due to human error and judgment. The issue is not to first demonize the company, but to learn and apply lessons learned.

There are other issue that also have my panties in a bunch, in summary I am tired of political show boating and I am tired of people just regurgitating what they hear in the media. Other than that, I am, as usual, always looking for a good debate or argument - it is my nature. Feel free to keep that in mind.
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."

Last edited by aceventura3; 05-14-2010 at 03:19 PM..
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