I got an iPhone about 2 months ago after my blackberry was stolen (not happy about having to replace it, but it was a blessing in disguise...I liked the qwerty keyboard and the shiny red color, but very little else about it...LEAST intuitive piece of hardware I've ever owned)
So: how do I use my iphone? In chronological order:
- alarm clock
- weather
- calendar
- email
- calls
- texting
- facebook
- games
- book reader
Also for:
- google google google google google (seriously, the day they offer neural uplinks I'm first in line...nearly instantaneous knowledge? I'm such a junkie.)
- gmaps
- photos
The usual. It's my remote touchpoint with the rest of the world, and my toolbox for managing my day. I find I hardly ever use my iphone for music, though - I haven't had time enough to transfer everything I like to it. I still mostly use my ipod for that.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France