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Old 05-13-2010, 05:56 AM   #106 (permalink)
Natural manhood
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
Says the person using definitions which apparently come from Mars (they sure don't come from Earth) and making totally unsupportable and unsupported claims about ancient societies! And then -you- gripe about other people not justifying their definitions?
Someone who doesn't know even about what is going on in his own society with men, when he claims to be a man, how can he judge my appraisal of the ancient societies or of the indigenous ones or the pre-industrialised western societies?

If you ask for sources, I can understand. But if you lay down the condition that any discussion has to be necessarily within the framework of definitions and concepts provided by the West, then its going to be a problem.

Then it would mean you're just plain bigoted.

Originally Posted by Idyllic View Post
In the times of prehistory heterosexual sex must have obviously been seen as more than just compulsory as populations express and expose the natural inclinations for males to copulate with females.
Let's not just assume things. Let's look at facts. And what makes you think heterosexuality is the 'natural inclination' for males?

In order to clear the myth created by our societies about male gender and sexuality, we can look at the following areas and then decide what the default male sexuality really is:

1. Mammalian male sexuality in the wild.
2. Male gender and sexuality amongst humans:
- In the history
- in the contemporary non-West
- in the western societies
3. Pressures generated by our societies on men to be heterosexual (the more the pressure, it would mean the less likely the men are going to be heterosexual on their own).

Mammalian male sexuality in the wild:
The default sexuality of mammalian males is towards other males. There are documented evidences of this amongst several mammalian species (source: Biological Exuberances, by Bruce Bagemihl). In some species its as much as 95% of all sexual experiences of males. According to the book that compiles researches by various scientists over a period of 200 years, the only long term sexual and romantic bonds that are found are between two males. If the male cheetah, basically a solitary animal, ever bonds romantically, its with another male cheetah -- and the bond often lasts a lifetime. Bottleneck Dolphin males are known to bond romantically for life, into a couple, only sometimes, some of the males move temporarily out of this bond to mate with a female. When one of the mate dies, the other usually dies too, unless he finds someone to replace his "lover" mate.

Contrast this with heterosexual sex mammalian males indulge in. The males that do copulate with females only do it very briefly, only as much is required for reproduction. Males do not even look back at the female once the needful is done to say thank you. (same with the females). I have actually seen videos of Cheetahs losing interest in the female he is copulating with, the moment he sees a deer, and he chases the female away because he didn't want to share it with her.

In the wild, males and females interact very superficially and live in separate male and female spaces.

Most of the mating is done by a small percentage of males, roughly 15%. Males mate only during the reproductive season, and leave the female alone, the rest of the time. Most of the other males who mate do it only towards the latter part of their adulthood. An average male elephant who lives till about 50years, if he does so, mates at the age of roughly 45 years.

In some species, the 15% males who mate more regularly, create their harems, where a pair of males control upto 20 females in a 'pride.' These males by no account are exclusively 'heterosexual.' They have prides only peirodically, spending their youth in 'male spaces,' forming sexual bonds with other males. And they keep going back to these 'male spaces' throughout their lives. Furthermore, these males do not form 'emotional bonds' with the females in their pride and their is not 'coupling' as found amongst males, nor as between human males and females in the West.

According to various documented evidences compiled by biologists like Bruce Bagemihl, Paul Vase, Johann Roughgarden, etc., the only males with an exclusive 'heterosexual' orientation are the transgendered ones, the effeminate ones. These males are very rare. They don't fight for mating with females, but rather, they form relationships with females and bond with them and raise their kids, often, the kids are not their own, since they don't compete with the other males. Examples of these can be found in red foxes. In sheep, the only males with a heterosexual orientation are the transgendered ones who live with the female group as females, rather than in the male group (source: "Johann Roughgarden's Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People"). According to a programme on Discovery Channel, there is a rare kind of males amongst Sea Lions who doesn't fight for females like other males who want to mate, but rather, quietly picks out a female with whom he bonds in a male-male like fashion, away from the maddening crowd, and comes back to the same female every reproductive season.
Among elephants, such a male has a tough time, since the females don't accept any males in their group, transgendered or not. So, such 'heterosexual' males, who don't want to live in male spaces, spend their life alone.
Thus it is natural for the heterosexual males to be differentiated from the 'male space' -- not the male who wants to bond with other males. Western concept of 'sexual orientation' does exactly the opposite. If you have to separate someone into a 'separate' category (esp of effeminate males), separate the ones with no sexuality towards males. You do exactly the opposite of nature, and thus create adverse circumstances and stressful lives for men.

I challenge you, or anyone else here, to dig out any mammalian species where 'heterosexual orientation' characterises male sexuality, rather than an instinct to bond sexually with other males.

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Idyllic View Post
Prior to understanding the origins of creation in a woman’s body, I would believe that nature itself dictated the arena of heterosexual sex (male penetrating females vaginally), not just for procreation but for enjoyment, as prior to scientific awareness’ birth was merely an action witnessed by humans ...
Your story is really a typical Western attempt to browbeat reality into your ideologies -- the heterosexual ideology. But its all false. Do you anything to substantiate your wishful thinking?

Originally Posted by Idyllic View Post
What man did not like, was not knowing, IF HE was truly the father, the owner of the child, so man took woman and “married” her to himself to insure his heritage, his immortality.
Men have always, always hated marriage. In my society, eg. young men routinely ran away from it, and had to be 'nailed' to marriage. There are innumerable jokes that men make about how they hate marriage. Even the terms used by men to define marriage -- altar, 'chained to,' etc show that men see it as a prison. Indeed, in the West, the number of men who marry has gone down tremendously.

Originally Posted by Idyllic View Post
You attempt to put anything effeminate, including women back behind the wall, back behind the curtains, and effeminate men, especially “gay” men back into the closet, for your own satisfaction not societies,
Can you show me anything that I have said, that may be construed to mean that I want women to be oppressed or for 'gays' to remain in the closet?
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