Originally Posted by Reese
Well that answers 1 question from Season 1..
Yea, pretty much. I was expecting a bit more out of this episode as well answers-wise. All i got were more questions.
If he never finished that wheel then how was it completed for Linus and Locke to use?
How does turning a wooden wheel with light and water get you off an island?
Has the black smoke monster always been there in the glowing hole and the entering of MIB's body release it? Does MIB('s soul) turn into the smoke monster?
If there was no smoke monster before, was the twin's real mother a real ghost? Or *was* it the smoke monster?
How are all the people killed and the hole filled in? Did "bad mom" kill them? or was it the smoke monster? If it was the smoke monster why would it kill them?
Why can MIB see their mom's ghost when Jacob can not?
Is MIB in later episodes really the smoke monster trying to manipulate Jacob? or is it really MIB as the smoke monster?
What was that liquid "bad mom" madeJacob drink, and why do you need to chant before drinking it?
My biggest question: Why the fuck can no one ever fucking answer any questions on the damn show? Why is the answer to every question always "you're not ready yet"? This is the one thing that has bothered me from the start of the show. Even the regular folks on the island never answer a simple question when asked OR ask stupid questions - it's frustrating.
For example: In one of the early episodes when Claire and Kate were in the hatch with the nursery that Claire was taken to when kidnapped Claire asked Kate to help her lift up a refrigerator so she can look inside to find vaccine. Kate responds with "why? what is it?" Its a fucking refrigerator, help her pick it up!