Again, another very replete, and appreciated, share of artistic endeavors BadNick.
I, too, also have mounting examples of exclusively "meaty" art, but I'll go ahead make this the one that follows:
Originally Posted by Jetée
The Empire Strikes Fatback of the Day:
Required by Internet law to top last year’s bacon AK-47 (or BA-K47, if you will),
the pork product fiend who runs This Is Freaking Ridiculous spent 21 oil-spitting
hours straight above a frying pan to produce the heart-stopping masterpiece
that is the 40lb Bacon AT-AT.
Following his feat, Mr. TIFR had these words of warning for any bacon beast
wannabes who may be mulling a similar grease-a-thon: “If you’ve ever once
thought to cook 40 lbs of bacon in your kitchen in one sitting, I can now
personally advise against it.”
[ thedw.] + [ tifr.]
Quoted from The Bacon Thread