Aww man, I thought we'd get to finally know his name. Now I wonder if he even has one?
The line between who is good and who is bad/evil is a little blurrier now too... Sure MiB killed his fake mother, but she kind of had it coming, and it was a heat of the moment thing after she slaughtered his people (how did she kill them all so easily I wonder..) And then Jacob did something worse than death to MiB.
Now that we've seen Jacob as a kid I'm starting to think the theory about him being that blond kid that freaks out MiB/Locke in the current-verse is right. So in other words Jacob does revive/regrow. OR maybe it was still his spirit and he looked like that because that's how they knew each other best (when they were kids.) Yeah, I think the latter is more likely. So that explains that kid.
I wonder what they drunk, fakemom and Jacob, that makes them special? She poured it from a fairly normal looking bottle. Perhaps it was her blood, and that's the way the pass down the protectorship and there's a bottle of Jacob's blood somewhere. I was expecting them to do something with that light...
Speaking of the glowy place, what do you guys think it is? It sounds like what Jacob told Richard about the island was wrong, and that it has nothing to do with Hell/evil per se, it was just how he explained it to Richard because of his belief system. It seems like it has something to do with the creation of life, and that putting it out would destroy all of humanity. Which would fit what Jacob said to Richard, just in a different paradigm since MiB apparently has to destroy it to "leave."
Now I'm starting to wonder if by leave, he means die...that all he's wanted is the release of death...I'm pretty sure his fakemom said "thank you" when he killed her, probably because she was tired of living. This also fits his plan better, now that we know he was just trying to get the candidates to destroy themselves. Since he could have turned that wheel anytime he wanted to, which means he must know that he can't actually leave the island. So his real motivation must be to destroy humanity and himself along with it, so that he may finally rest.