If you're going to insist that the anti-man, western definitions and concepts be used, even if they go against the known wisdom of the non-West or indigenous societies ... without you having to justify your definitions,
Says the person using definitions which apparently come from Mars (they sure don't come from Earth) and making totally unsupportable and unsupported claims about ancient societies! And then -you- gripe about other people not justifying their definitions?
I know I can not change those who have a vested interest in men's oppression.
Oppression...Ooh! You mean like when people force other people's sexuality into boxes, right? Like when somebody insists that even though I've always been exclusively attracted to women, had sex with several of them (sex which both partners enjoyed a great deal), and am mildly nauseated by the idea of being sexually intimate with a man...I -actually- want to have sex with men? That kind of box-shoving oppression what you're talking about? Or is it a new flavour you thought up on your own?