Originally Posted by telekinetic
Words mean things. If you continue to respond by attempting to redefine things, instead of using them correctly, and actually responding to the points I've raised, I am going to have to bow out of this conversation. I made a good faith effort to understand your point, and you reward me by continuing your childish term wrangling. Good luck communicating with anyone. 
Words mean things. Words also means politics. Words are also fixed by powerful forces and given meanings that they should not have.
In Hinduism, Brahman means the superior being and the Shudra is the inferior human being. It doesn't mean that we accept these definitions when today we know better. Male gender and sexuality is even more politicised and messed up than other things.
If you're going to insist that the anti-man, western definitions and concepts be used, even if they go against the known wisdom of the non-West or indigenous societies ... without you having to justify your definitions, then by all means, please leave the discussion.
I know I can not change those who have a vested interest in men's oppression.