Originally Posted by Idyllic
My turn: Why are men so damned afraid of effeminacy, do you think it’s contagious…. are ya gonna catch it…. will it maybe make you soil your nice white slacks or something.
There's a lot of crap here, just thought answer this one interesting bit.
You want to know why men are afraid of effeminacy.
Long, long ago, in initial human tribes, they started to have "manhood tests" (what we call initiation rites) to induct the adolescents from the women's spaces into men's spaces. The 'third gender' space was for feminine gendered males and masculine gendered females (irrespective of their sexual preferences, though most transgendered males had sex with females.)
Passing the manhood test was extremely crucial for boys (the non-transgendered ones). It was indeed a matter of life and death for them. They were nothing without these men's spaces. Being part of male spaces is also a basic biological drive of mammalian males in every species. Third gender males showed symptoms of being so, quite early on in their childhood, and the parents used to bring up such boys as though they were girls, or rather a separate gender altogether.
The manhood tests became more and more cruel, torturous and even fatal. Boys had to endure being engraved live, being stung by thousands of venmous bees, jump from dangerous cliffs, and so on. Like today, they had to do all this without uttering even the slightest sigh, without showing the slightest sign of discomfort and certainly, without complaining. To utter a sigh meant failing the test.
Like today, then too, the feminine gendered males had no use for manhood or men's spaces, so they did not have to go through the tests. However, unlike today, the feminine gendered male was extremely valued as a category of people who had powers of male body and female soul.
However, there was not much left for the masculine gendered boy who failed the manhood test or didn't want to go through it. He would be banished from the tribe, and that certainly meant death. And in any case, a life devoid of honour, male bonding and access to resources.
At some point of time, male femininity became redundant and marginalized, and started to serve as the banishment zone for the masculine gendered male who failed the manhood test. Now, although, the feminine gendered male, even if marginalized, fitted well into the feminine space, it had little to offer to the masculine gendered male, who needed to be out there with other men. This banished male became extremely stigmatized for other men, and men in general started to fear and hate the 'feminine male category,' because it was their punishment zone. Slowly, as the ruling forces stigmatized this space more and more, in order to control men's lives, male femininity and feminine gendered males both became stigmatized for men.
Somewhere alongside, the ruling forces started forcing men to have compulsory and constant (year after year) -- but by no means, exclusive -- reproductive sex with women (because it wanted more and more children for its growing societies). Then they started to enforce the marriage institution that the men just hated (you still have the marriage jokes). The society started to demand that men marry and reproduce in order to qualify for social manhood, that the men so badly needed. Marriage and reproduction, and indirectly, sex with women, became the new 'manhood test' for men.
This is what has taken the shape of 'heterosexuality' in today's west, and men compete to prove their heterosexuality in order to qualify for social manhood. The entire thing has become extremely complex. The 'manhood space' is today known as 'straight' ... and the 'third gender' space that men have always hated, has, through extensive politics by the anti-man forces, become the 'homosexual' space, and the focus of the hatred of men has shifted from male effeminacy itself to sexual desire between men.
---------- Post added at 06:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------
Originally Posted by ring
"I SING the Body electric;
The armies of those I love engirth me, and I engirth them ...
... The exquisite realization of health ...
... O I say now these are the Soul!"
Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman's case is interesting. He wanted to create a formal space for men (as part of the manhood -- now straight -- space itself) to love men. He actually, wanted to bring out this love, which had always existed secretly within straight male spaces, out into the formal social space, as the west set foot into the modern times and the oppressive Christian times gave way to the 'scientific' era.
Men needed to feel safe about manhood before they would accept this idea. But before this could happen, the Western third genders jumped up at this space created by Walt Whitman, and started to claim this love as a sign of 'third sex' or 'intermediate sex.' They soon started a movement through this, and one self-defined 'intermediate sex' after another started to join in this movement, later calling themselves 'men who are attracted to men.' They then created a separate category for this, on the pattern of the historical 'third gender' category.
Walt hated this idea. He protested. But no one listened to him. The men did not have the social space to support him without losing their manhood. The anti-man forces created by Christianity that ruled the Western society, gave validity and power to the 'third genders' to define themselves as 'men who love men.'
Thus, unwittingly, Walt Whitman became the source of the 'homosexual' category.
Reference: "A false birth," by Rictor Norton (available on the net).
---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------
Originally Posted by telekinetic
It is going to be a tough sell to get people to respect your desire to "act straight and have sex with men" if you keep insisting that we all want to do it, too. We aren't talking about the theoretical mating habits of chimps, here, you are talking about us specifically, and all we have to do to provide a counter to your position is wonder if we'd like to go suck a dick...hmmmm....nope, not particularly.
Here is something that would be entirely news to you ...
You could be totally heterosexual and yet not be straight at all. The reverse is true as well.
In fact, originally/ /historically/ by way of nature, the more heterosexual you are, the more queer you are. Transgenderism and heterosexul orientation have a very close association, unlike what west preaches (occasional reproductive sex is not 'heterosexual orientation'). They both involve the merging of male and female. But, I don't have enough time to dwell on that.
So, don't assume that when I talk about straights, I'm including you as well. It should be clear by now, that I'm not talking about the western definitions here.
---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Idyllic
RING…. why on earth would you perpetuate separation between men and women, “smell of femininity”  fuck that, dude, I kick yo’ ass,  That's just fodder for his fire.
Why on earth would your society want to merge men and women? Is it natural? Is it biological?
Do other mammals practise it? Do other human societies, past or present (other than the west) practise it? Do men want it? Do women want it? Women only want it in the West because, these 'heterosexual' spaces are so pro-women, but they're so anti-men.
Here's news for you too ... Men and women are NOT the same. They're different. They need their different social spaces. Privacy. They have different needs, different potentials, different things they want from life. There has to be some interaction -- probably a lot -- to run the society, but it should not become so overbearing that we deny men and women their separate spaces.
Remember, the only 'heterosexual' spaces in the mammalian world are those where the female spaces are temporarily controlled forcibly by a handful of males. And the females hate it!!
History is witness to the fact that separate men and women spaces does not have to mean being an anti-woman society. In fact, only this can afford a truly pro-woman society, where women are respected by masculine gendered men, when women are not imposed upon men, either sexually or socially ... and both can enjoy their personal spaces.