In 1991, I was in the BWI airport, trying to get to Montreal via Boston. The whole East Coast was fogged in, so I was going to miss my connection. It was a Friday afternoon during the Atlanta/Minnesota World Series, and there was a game in Minneapolis that night. I was trying to change my flight to a direct one to Montreal, and was standing in line behind a black gentleman in a business suit who was trying to find a flight to Minneapolis. People were running everywhere trying to change flights to make connections.
I chatted with this guy for about 15 minutes about how inconvenient it was, and hard to believe in this (that) day and age. He was very pleasant to talk to, and then, just before he went up to the counter, these 3 young kids who had been watching us came running over and said, "Can we have your autograph, Mr. Aaron?"
How does a life-long baseball fan spend 15 minutes talking to Hank Aaron and not recognise him???? Granted he was in a business suit, but I can only think of Kirstie Alley's classic line from Cheers that sometimes "I am too stupid to live!"
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.