Originally Posted by dc_dux
I would agree that immigrants should assimilate, w/o feeling a need to abandon their heritage, culture and language.....but assimilation does not happen overnight, nor should it be expected to do so.
QFT. Also it is much harder for older generations to assimilate, in their cases it is their Children who assimilate. I bet there is a large number of people on this board whose grandparents or great grandparents didn't speak much English.
---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
Originally Posted by RogueGypsy
You've got to be kidding. Native American languages?  Fuckin' good one. So by your logic, we should all speak our ancestors languages. Yeah, that's brilliant, let's do that.
And yes, there is a single US language, it's English. We are all using it right now.
No I don't think we should be speaking Native American languages. However, whenever anyone gets all holy about "our" country being "our" country and everyone else should stay out, I have to wonder if they even know how this country became "our" country. We came in and stole the land by force. We then forced the natives to adapt our culture and our language.
---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I don't know why they overlooked it, seeing as to at the time America was a British colony where I imagined the vast majority of citizens were either English speaking or bilingual. Why couldn't Thomas Jefferson foresee that in the year 2010 there would be 20+ million illegal Latino immigrants in America to consider?
They didn't choose one because most of them were bilingual and they didn't want to exclude anyone from the US. They wanted the US to be a melting pot for the world, a country of many cultures coming together to form one nation. When we talk about keeping cultures out of the US we are going directly against what our founding fathers wanted.