Originally Posted by ring
Okay okay.
I do see where he is coming from a bit.
I lived in San Francisco from 1980 to '85.
Yes some of my gay friends exclusively preferred to only hang out at
the 'leather bars' south of Market.
I think a good example of what he means by Queer Homos,
would be the flaming queens and The Sister's Of Perpetual Indulgence.
Man, those were fun parties.
The strict 'Leather Manly Man Gay Guys Only Club,seemed to be rather snotty
and snubbed the rest of the eclectic mix.
I could smell the fear of, 'The Feminine' surrounding them.
Thank you for browbeating everything into the narrow 'homo-hetero' divide again, no matter, how I try to break this divide. Unfortunately, in western spaces, men get automatically divided into hetero and homo, and any other division comes later. So, a man is a masculine homo and feminine homo -- homo is the primary western identity, masculinity or feminity becomes just a qualification (-- although, these notions are, at one level, just reduced to artificial social constructs, and so of no consequence, whereas sexual preferences are believed to be really 'deep seated').
Nature has it the other way round. A male is primarily either a 'man' (masculine gendered) or a third gender (feminine gender). Homo, hetero has to be secondary, if to be considered at all. In fact, under natural circumstances, it is of little social concern.
So, let's at least put it this way ... A homo masculine male vs a hetero masculine male ... a hetero feminine male vs a homo feminine male.
And no!!! I'm not talking about 'masculine gays' ... (masculine gay is an oxymoron) ... I'm talking about the straightest of men in westernized spaces, who won't be seen dead holding another man's hands, not even in their most private moments -- because that is how the western society has conditioned them -- through innumerous social mechanisms (sexual orientation being one of the most important ones, the other, less imp one being Christian injunctions). Yet, if they get a chance, a desire deep inside them would would start craving for intimacy with another man. Had it not been for their conditioning, they would have had long term, committed bonding with a man.
As the normal, regular males (straights -- actually, those who really have an exclusive, deep heterosexual orientation are not 'normal','regular males) have done in any age or culture where the society did not play politics with their natural sexuality.