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Old 05-11-2010, 06:57 AM   #79 (permalink)
Natural manhood
I'm in a bit of a hurry today, so I'll just make a few points.

I see a lot of people trying to make fun of this issue. They are no different than the groups of nervous adolescents when I raise the issue of manhood and sexuality as part of my workshops on manhood. Then there are those who are part of the problem and they feel its their duty to make fun of anything that challenges the anti-man mechanisms.

Then I'd like to answer a few points from telekinetic, for he is trying to genuinely consider what I'm saying, even if he opposes it.

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
This paragraph exposes his personal biases and assumptions (that he passes off as being those alternately of 'the west', 'the system', or 'society'.
And is this unsubstantiated accusation not your personal bias ...?

If people would just respond to the points raised and not try to blame or find personal motivations, there can be a lot of sharing of wisdom.

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
The information contained in this little blurb is:

1) Men are forced (by who?) to lose their manhood if they are effeminate
I probably shouldn't blame you for not knowing this very important fact about men and manhood. You probably grew up in a time in the West, when 'manhood' was already cleverly redefined as 'heterosexuality' and the entire pride and pressures of manhood that men have has shifted from manhood to 'heterosexuality' and instead of trying to prove their manhood, westernised males prove their heterosexuality (real or not, almost often exaggerated). And the stigma of 'third gender' has shifted to 'homosexuality' so, men keep away from showing any kind of desire or intimacy for men, like hot potatoes.

However, It's a fact that anyone who has grown up in a society that has not been heterosexualized (Non-Western societies are still living in that time zone), knows all too well.

The straight category is basically the 'manhood' category. And the category that you people today know as 'homosexual' is actually the 'third gender' category.

My society is right now in the phase of being forcefully westernized/ heterosexualized (homosexualization of effeminate males is an integral part of this process), and I'm very concsiously studying the process whereby this change happens.

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
2) Effeminate homosexuals represent themselves (or are represented, alternately, by various groups) as being what it means for men to like men.

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post

3) Masculine homosexuals have to remain closeted and self-loathing, since, if they were outed as liking men, people will group them with the effeminate homosexuals and they will therefore lose their manhood because 1 and 2.
Although, the crux of what you're saying is right, the use of the word 'Masculine homosexual' is wrong.

I am not talking about a few males here, that the concept of 'masculine homosexual' would suggest. I'm talking about the entire straight population.

The term 'homosexual' like actually stands for the effeminate male's sexuality for men. So, the terms 'masculine' and 'homosexual' are oxymorons. You might say, masculine males who like men (or who would like men if allowed), but then that would mean almost everybody.

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
The anti-man group that the OP believes is being oppressed is the masculine homosexual. His proposed solution to this is to restrict the term 'homosexual' (with all of the, in his mind/society, negative connotations it carries) be restricted to effeminate men ("third genders"), so that upstanding manly men who just like to suck a little dick and pound some man-ass (or get pounded, I'm not totally clear if thats allowed for the manly men) now and then don't have their man-status negatively affected.
Although, laid in a very 'anti-man' way, you're partly correct. You're sounding pretty dismissive of the idea though, you've not explained what is wrong if I propose the above. That is the way it has always been in the history. And that is the way it is in most parts of the world. Why shouldn't the West follow it too?

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
He lays that out fairly explicitly here:

This view is backed up by his constant definition wrangling over the meaning of homosexual, an example of which being:

The whole premise seems to be that he wants it to be OK to have sex with men without being labeled a homosexual or grouped with effeminate gays.
And if allowed, that is what any straight gendered male would do.

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
Is anyone seeing anything here that I'm not seeing?
And what is it?

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
To actually respond, NM, your solution seems to be do nothing to change the negative connotations that some segment of some society (most notably you, at the moment) holds for effeminacy, and you propose instead to restrict that negative connotation to women and 'queers', so that masculine manhood-status-having manly men don't have to suffer from it.
1) Although, I have not quite dwelt upon it in detail, I have mentioned that the male effeminacy should be given due respect and dignity in the society, like it enjoyed in the very ancient times. The very first step to go towards that is to take it from behind the false 'man likes man' label, where it hides in the Western society, and give it recognition.
You people seem to think that to do this is to be anti-effeminacy. I don't see how!! How is hiding behind straight male sexuality for men going to ever make male effeminacy find its due place and rights in the society?

2) Why should I feel guilty about not dwelling upon it in detail on a thread I've created to discuss specifically how men are wrongly included in this concept of 'sexual orientation' developed by the third genders to camouflage their femininity. Why do you people think that men don't deserve any right? And any question of rights have to include women and queers in it to be of any relevance?

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
and you propose instead to restrict that negative connotation to women and 'queers', so that masculine manhood-status-having manly men don't have to suffer from it.
And why should masculine gendered males have to suffer the stigma of male effeminacy? If you are concerned about the genuine rights of women and queers, then you would not support going about it the wrong way, to forcibly include male sexuality for men as part of queerhood, so that it makes the feminine males feel better about themselves.

And you don't feel that it violates the gender rights of masculine gendered males. Because in your eyes, to be masculine gendered is to be 'evil', the 'oppressor' and nothing can be away from the truth.

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
I counter that this is an extremely bigoted view,
You still haven't suggested how this view is bigoted ...

Originally Posted by telekinetic View Post
and would suggest that, in so much as this problem is real, the solution is to remove the negative connotation completely, rather than just retarget it more specifically on a group of people who does not include (presumably, based on your ardency on this topic) you.
People who have agendas, always seek to belittle broader issues by nailing them on to the person who raises the issue.

You want to remove the negative connotation to what> Male desire for men. Or male effeminacy? Or like the Western society, you think the two are related?

All I'm calling for, is to realign the male world in the way its meant to be. Where identities are based on our notions of whether we're men or women. And sexual preferences are just that -- preferences.

Are you saying that either there should be sexual categories as defined (and more importantly, practised) by the western notion of 'sexual orientation' -- or -- remove all categories and just have the binary sex categories of men and women?

I am all for it. But do you think, you'd be doing justice to the transgendered, who need an identity separate from the men. You may not acknowledge the transgendered and insist that they have to fit into the 'man' and 'woman' categories, but I reject that as a bigoted Western view.

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Willravel View Post
Sexual orientation is a perhaps outdated, anti-social-liberty concept stemming from a multitude of cultures and locations internationally. It ignores the complexity and fluidity of human romantic and sexual interaction.

There are just people, Natural Manhood. There are just people and there are just connections between people. I figured this out the first time I, a male, made out with a self-described lesbian. I'm sure people reading that think, "Oh, she's bisexual.", but that's not necessarily the case. That I'm aware of, she's only ever had a romantic experience with one male in her life. See? Not so easy to fit someone's sexuality into a box, in fact it's often doing yourself a disservice by trying to boil down such a complex way of being to fit into the standard "straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, etc." boxes. I've only eer been romantically and sexually attracted to women, but who's to say that will always be the case? I don't pretend to know what lies ahead.

Instead of getting bogged down in the minutia of labels, maybe just experience what you want to experience and don't worry about what other people think.
And finally, I would like to thank you Willravel for you have not only tried to understand the issue but have openly voiced your support.
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