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Old 05-11-2010, 06:11 AM   #76 (permalink)
Actually, a tactical (sub-kiloton) nuke shot might not be a bad idea. The intense heat and pressure (locally) would "weld" the leak shut by melting and glassifying the seabed, and due to the extreme depth and pressures at the leak site very little radiation and zero fallout would even be measurable at the surface. Experience in the 50s and 60s would seem to indicate also that radioactive particle contamination at those depths would be slight, and would consist mostly of fragments of the munition casing itself along with a fine layer of radioactive seabed material which would be quickly sedimented over, especially in the particle-rich waters off the Mississippi delta. Given that nobody's pulling any three-eyed fish out of Bikini Atoll or any of the other submarine test-shot sites (mostly shallow-water) and that this spill has the destructive potential (in economic terms at very least) of an actual atom-bomb attack on a major city, something like what the Russians are suggesting might not be a bad idea.
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