Let me see if I can find any kind of common thread in your walls of text. Really, most of the points are contained in the the first post, so we'll start there:
The third genders that like men fit into this system, that forces men to lose their manhood if they chose to desire men, and these third genders (who self identify as 'homosexual') go on to celebrate their sexuality for men, claiming to represent the trait of men who like men, while the masculine gendered male (otherwise called 'straight' and wrongly called 'heterosexual' in the West) is left to struggle and hate his sexual desires for a man, since, this liables him to be excluded and isolated from the men's spaces (masculine male spaces).
This paragraph exposes his personal biases and assumptions (that he passes off as being those alternately of 'the west', 'the system', or 'society'. The information contained in this little blurb is:
1) Men are forced (by who?) to lose their manhood if they are effeminate
2) Effeminate homosexuals represent themselves (or are represented, alternately, by various groups) as being what it means for men to like men.
3) Masculine homosexuals have to remain closeted and self-loathing, since, if they were outed as liking men, people will group them with the effeminate homosexuals and they will therefore lose their manhood because 1 and 2.
The anti-man group that the OP believes is being oppressed is the masculine homosexual. His proposed solution to this is to restrict the term 'homosexual' (with all of the, in his mind/society, negative connotations it carries) be restricted to effeminate men ("third genders"), so that upstanding manly men who just like to suck a little dick and pound some man-ass (or get pounded, I'm not totally clear if thats allowed for the manly men) now and then don't have their man-status negatively affected.
He lays that out fairly explicitly here:
Some gays may not like being known as feminine, or they may think of themselves as 'masculine' however, what is important here is what identity they take. The truly masculine gendered struggles with his sexuality for men and hides it. Not for nothing. It's because, he senses that the 'gay' identity is anti to his masculine gender and is devoid of manhood. you can't take a third gender identity and then take offense when your masculinity is questioned.
This view is backed up by his constant definition wrangling over the meaning of homosexual, an example of which being:
These are the actual 'homosexuals' ... those who are feminine gendered males. The masculine gendered males are 'men' or 'straight males' whether or not they like women, or whether or not they like men.
The whole premise seems to be that he wants it to be OK to have sex with men without being labeled a homosexual or grouped with effeminate gays.
Is anyone seeing anything here that I'm not seeing?
To actually respond, NM, your solution seems to be do nothing to change the negative connotations that some segment of some society (most notably you, at the moment) holds for effeminacy, and you propose instead to restrict that negative connotation to women and 'queers', so that masculine manhood-status-having manly men don't have to suffer from it. I counter that this is an extremely bigoted view, and would suggest that, in so much as this problem is real, the solution is to remove the negative connotation completely, rather than just retarget it more specifically on a group of people who does not include (presumably, based on your ardency on this topic) you.