Originally Posted by Natural manhood
Sexual orientation is a system of sexual seggregation, where the trait of sexuality between males, and anyone who expresses it is identified, and isolated through labelling and then banished into a separate group/ category of third genders (feminine gendered and transgendered males) called the 'homosexuals' or the LGBT.
The third genders that like men fit into this system, that forces men to lose their manhood if they chose to desire men, and these third genders (who self identify as 'homosexual') go on to celebrate their sexuality for men, claiming to represent the trait of men who like men, while the masculine gendered male (otherwise called 'straight' and wrongly called 'heterosexual' in the West) is left to struggle and hate his sexual desires for a man, since, this liables him to be excluded and isolated from the men's spaces (masculine male spaces).
The Western system of sexual orientation, supported and upheld by the 'gays' do not allow men to be intimate with another man without taking on the 'gay' identity which symbolizes losing social manhood and accepting social queerhood/ femininity. The gays as such act as pawns in the hands of the anti-man forces that run the Western world.
Sexual orientation is a perhaps outdated, anti-social-liberty concept stemming from a multitude of cultures and locations internationally. It ignores the complexity and fluidity of human romantic and sexual interaction.
There are just people, Natural Manhood. There are just people and there are just connections between people. I figured this out the first time I, a male, made out with a self-described lesbian. I'm sure people reading that think, "Oh, she's bisexual.", but that's not necessarily the case. That I'm aware of, she's only ever had a romantic experience with one male in her life. See? Not so easy to fit someone's sexuality into a box, in fact it's often doing yourself a disservice by trying to boil down such a complex way of being to fit into the standard "straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, etc." boxes. I've only eer been romantically and sexually attracted to women, but who's to say that will always be the case? I don't pretend to know what lies ahead.
Instead of getting bogged down in the minutia of labels, maybe just experience what you want to experience and don't worry about what other people think.