'In the moment'... I was supposed to be here only until 1, and now it is nearly 3.
TFP: you envelop me. Won't you at least nod for me, please?
It sucks being a ghost with aspirations to fame.
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Originally Posted by BadNick
I've been saturating myself with some reggae lately in my car since I drive 40+ minutes each way to/from work. I just can't get enough of these so I'm just continuously looping thru them cranked up high on my decent JBL car system ...where's my doobie?
The Rivers of Babylon - The Melodians
Johnny Too Bad - The Slickers
Pressure Drop - The Maytals
You have gone and forced me to recognize one of peeves (not a 'peeve', but a "preferred method of perfectionism in which I've instilled")
When citing an artist and their particular song, the "preferred" method of doing so is thus(ly?):
* Aceyalone -
I Think I Know Too Much (italicized song track not needed, but basic formula is identification of the 'artist - song title', then the track)
However, there is another method to my madness that I prefer using when citing a particular classical piece, which is:
Die Fledermaus, by Johann Strauss II (with the more recognized musical piece drawing fore, than the composer attribution following)
basically, I mean to state: I would have just written the artist's before their tracks, with a dash in-between, or eliminate the dash, and replace it with a
, by.
This is by no means a 'call to arms', but just something I've noticed a small minority of people do, and I think it weird (if not entirely wrong).
Don't feel bad, though; my Realplayer (now endorsed and distributed by Google!) has the same little glitch in displaying 'artist -song'... it does it your way, backwardly.