Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
I think you're taking the name of the list/thread a little too literally Jetée ...
For you and I, the list is probably more accurately described as "24 great films so painful that you need a longer break than normal between viewings" or something along those lines. I hope that helps 
Of course I take the title of the list as is, and perhaps as you say, literal, to the umpteenth degree. It's my nature of interpreting what anybody on the internet states at face value, innocously trusting what they've stated was there wholest intention of conveying a point, and I usually misread some underlying mention (or sarcasm) because of it.
If you say that our own contributions to this thread should be along the lines of "
films that are gut-wrenching, and take a (long) while to get used to", then I suppose I can live with that sort of definition. And with that, I'll add one more film that can be mentioned as a "hard watch; not easy to get over" (but one I'll most probably want to watch again):
12 and Holding