two things first...
Originally Posted by BadNick
tower view
really quite cool. a question: would this happen to be
your blog, BadNick?
It's authored by some guy named "Nikos", I found your image on his page, and it details his 2006 trip to Canadia, and among it, he mentions the landmark
CN Tower.
Also, a special attraction is the CN Tower, the tallest building in the world (but I think that overcoming the Dubai and is now second) to 545 meters."
Alas, the original language it was written was Greek, so I guess that rules out this particular extracurricular activity of yours.
Originally Posted by Fly
green roofs
At the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, the School of Art, Design and Media utilizes green roofing in a modern way.
The green roof stretches across the five-story building, blending into its surrounding landscape, while providing several environmental advantages.
It is as visually pleasing as it is functional. Green roofs are reported to absorb up to 70 percent of rain runoff, thereby preventing pollution of waterways.
In addition, green roofs absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to reduce carbon emissions, and also provide natural insulation for the building, reducing energy costs.
This innovative design combines modern architecture with green concepts, yielding a truly amazing setting for an art school.
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back to our regular-scheduled game:
rooftop playground
Pirate ship on the rooftop Playground at
All Children's Hospital, in St. Petersburg, Florida
(I'll tell you that I used to go to a pre-K in downtown St. Pete that had a wonderful
rooftop playground, with a cinema hall right across from it! It looked something close to this...
but without the snow, of course)