2010 Census
Have you done yours? (Rhetorical question because I couldn't give a shit)
So this dude shows up in a Saturn with a little "Census Bureau" satchel at his side, clipboard in-hand and asks if I 'had 5-10 minutes worth of time...' I said no and sent him on his way. I legitimately didn't, I was in the middle of tearing apart my friends motor doing his head-gasket. I practically would have had to take a shower to fill out this stupid thing because I was covered in so much grease, oil and grime.
Well the bastard shows up the very next fucking day and I immediately walk up to him and tell him I'm not filling out that bullshit. I tell him 'I saw your stupid commercial talking about how the government needs to know this information in order to help with health-care' and pretty much saw red at this point. I told him universal health-care has been trying to get passed for decades, not just the past few years that we've seen it on the news, and you're gonna try to con me into filling out this rubbish with THAT? I continue to tell him that they don't need to know my age or race or how many people are in my household and said 'If you really gave a shit, fill it out yourself. Say I'm a single mother with exactly 7 kids, unemployed, on welfare with food-stamps.' I also told him that I refused to fill it out 10 years ago and will 10 years from now.
Fuck off "Census Bureau" because it's nothing more than when a magazine gives out free subscriptions so they can charge more for advertisement(the more subscribers, the more money they can charge for ads).
Yes, I know this guy prolly just picked this up as a quick part-time job to earn some extra cash on the side but I don't have sympathy. You reap what you sow. I give 'techs' on the other end of the phone-line the same shit because YOU chose that profession so you better be willing to deal with it or find something else to do for a living.
My chosen profession is a machinist even though I excel at auto-mechanics. Do you know why? Because I can't stand people in my face. Being a machinist means the ONLY people allowed in my work area are co-workers and the occasional customer that isn't interested in me personally, just how well they see me doing my job and how tidy the shop is.
A little pro-tip for the people tired of being heckled by customers or the general public: Find yourself a job that's behind the scenes. A place where caller-complaints mean nothing, a place where a caller doesn't even know who you are. Even a CEO can't escape that so don't look that far up the food-chain unless power and money are your main goals. Happiness is my goal.
pearls ain't free