So, I played some 2v2 with my brother who used to be so so so so so good at sc1. Turns out, he's absolutely no good at sc2. He asked me for control of my ground units while I dominate the air (which I did for the 2 games we played). It worked out the first game because my void ray rush just demolished. The second game, I took out 1 guy's main, but my brother's macro couldn't keep up with the other guy. Since I had void rays which were pretty much all taken out after I killed the other guy, my ground army was a little lacking, but my brother's shouldn't have been.
I did switch back to ground army and kept my macro pretty good for losing so many void rays, but I couldn't get enough, and the guy I took out was able to get mass speedlings to harass my economy. I guess I'll have to teach my brother how to play Protoss because I think his biggest flaw was not being able to counter the other Protoss ground force.